current Station
The current fire station is located at 120 Surf Court. We moved into a newly constructed building on Feburary 2008. The city built this 4500 square foot building as a temporary fire station. When the new fire station is built it will become the home of the Public Works Department.
Picture taken during Hurricane Ike while station was operating as City EOC.
Michie Coldwell Station
This fire station was dedicated to William (Michie) M. Coldwell in 2001. Michie was a founding member of the NBVFD in 1967 and is still an active member today. A plaque dedicating this designation is mounted on the building between the two front doors.
This fire station was built in 1980. It is a two story building with a apparatus bay, a maintenance shop, restroom facilities, one meeting room on the second floor and a day room for our members.
The large tree seen in the picture to the left was planted in May 1967 by the Nassau Bay Garden Club in memory of Roger B. Chaffee, Lt. Commander USN a resident of Nassau Bay. Roger, along with Guss Grissom and Ed White, had been killed in the Apollo 1 fire at Kennedy Space Center on January 27, 1967. At the time the tree was planted this area was a park for the citizens of Nassau Bay. The NBVFD has always felt a particular attachment to the tree since the Chaffee memorial was established the same year the NBVFD was formed.
The flag pole was dedicated to Howard Ward, the Nassau Bay City Manager at the time of the station's construction. Howard was very instumental in the building of the station and was always a strong supporter of the NBVFD.
We moved from this building on Feburary 5th, 2008.

The NBVFD is a chartered corporation of The State of Texas and operates under the provisions of our By-Laws. More »

Our apparatus includes three engines, one command vehicle, one utility vehicle, two boats and a retired military vehicle. More »

Early one morning in the fall of 1966, a fire broke out at the hotel on the corner of NASA Rd One and Point Lookout Drive. More »

The Nassau Bay Volunteer Fire Department has averaged 234 responses a year over the last five years. Click to see a monthly breakdown.. More »